Lottoland is setting a new benchmark in the Indian online gaming industry with the unique addition of the .asia domain to its name, showing its commitment to the Indian gaming crowd. Shows Commitment to Indian and Asian Gamblers
The online casino industry is highly competitive, and online casinos have a limited number of tricks to use to lure in new players and keep them immersed in play. Limitations are often the result of strict legislation controlling the online gaming industry to ensure fair and secure platforms. The top concern for many online casinos is how to convince a specific market segment in the industry of their devotion and commitment to players as global providers.
Accepting the local currency and supporting local languages on-site and via customer support are beneficial, but Lottoland has taken things one step further: Lottoland opted for the domain .asia to show its commitment and devotion to the booming online casino audience in Asian countries.
Why Is Commitment So Critical?
We do not doubt that Lottoland cares about providing the Indian gaming audience with the best gaming experience possible. The site features immaculate games, lucrative jackpots, a secure and fair platform, and a user-friendly interface. Lottoland creates a fun and exciting environment in which any Indian player would love to wager their rupees. However, caring for players isn’t the only reason why Lottoland has decided to stay one step ahead of significant gaming providers with its .asia domain.
India is an online gaming region growing at a fast pace. A new generation of young players is keen on exploring online gaming options on their desktops and mobile devices. In fact, India is the second most active country regarding app downloads, a reflection of the popularity of mobile devices in online gaming.
So far, the country has attracted the interest of venture capital firms valued at $350 million in investments between 2014 and 2020. This figure supports other future valuations placing the Indian gaming industry at a value of 250 billion rupees by 2024.
India is, without a doubt, a lucrative and growing market—one in which any global online gaming provider, including Lottoland, would love to secure a strong foothold.
The Cost of Commitment
The domain .asia is one of the latest global additions to the list of Top-Level Domains (TLD). Any entity with a legal presence in Asia can register for the domain. The cost of registering a .asia domain can be as little as $6.99 per year—a small price to pay to show your commitment, interest, and involvement in one of the fastest-growing global economies.
The Asia/Pacific region is currently expanding into a huge gaming market that represents endless opportunities for corporations that are ready to invest in the area and show their support for local consumers.
Staying One Step Ahead
It appears that the strategic move to a .asia domain is providing Lottoland with the anticipated edge in the local market. As of the writing of this post, there is no other online casino reflecting its commitment to the local Asian market by utilising a .asia domain extension. Not even the most prominent players in the online casino industry with noticeable presences in India, and further beyond in Asia, currently display such a commitment.
Lottoland has managed to obtain a truly unique way to attract the interest of the Indian/Asian online gaming community. has taken a unique approach to break through the barriers of restrained marketing opportunities that have traditionally limited casino platforms to offering lucrative welcome bonuses and free spins to gain interest. Now, there can be no doubt in the minds of Indian players regarding Lottoland’s commitment to the local online gaming industry.