Joker Section USA - News, Insider, Updates, Research and more

JustGambler's Joker have a lot of good insights from the US gambling scene. Sometimes very informative, sometimes a bit controversial. Below you will find that type of content. Enjoy!
What is the Most Common Number on Roulette?

The most common number that pops up on the roulette wheel is determined by how far exactly your sample size....

Top 10 Biggest Slot Machine Wins in History

Over the years, there have been some massive slot machine wins. If you’re one of our curious readers who has....

How old do you have to be to gamble in the US?

US Legal Gambling Age State by State  US State Land-Based Casinos Online Casinos Poker Sports Betting Alabama 21 - 21....

Interview with David L. Rebuck: How NJ Established Online Gambling

Traditional casinos were all the hype in the Garden State in the past. Other states around the country started adapting....

This is How Many Cards a Deck Has

The standard deck of playing cards has 52 cards in total. Usually, a new pack of cards includes two Jokers....

Printable Bingo Cards For Free

Download here (click on the images to download the PDF) We have 6 different bingo templates to choose from, in....

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