Division of Gaming Enforcement
We cover all you need to know about NJ DGE as a gambler in the state.
All You Need to Know About The New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement
If you gamble within the state of New Jersey, you should remain familiar with the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE) since they keep a close eye on casino operations to find violations and enforce regulatory compliance.
Throughout this article, we will explain this division to you to better understand why they’re important and how their actions impact your online and offline gambling experiences.
Fast Facts about the NJ Division of Gaming Enforcement:
Date of establishment: | 1977 |
Jurisdiction: | New Jersey |
Regulates: | CCC Rules and Regulations and the laws of the Casino Control Act |
Parent agency: | New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety |
Address: | 1300 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401140 East Front Street, P.O. Box 047, Trenton, NJ 08625 |
Website: | http://www.njdge.org/ |
They work with the Regulatory Prosecutions Bureau to implement the CCC Rules and Regulations as well as the laws of the Casino Control Act.
After you’ve filed a complaint with the casino in question and did not have your matter resolved. (1)
It’s important to understand who can help you when you deal with casinos who seem to violate your rights as a player.
(609) 984-0909
What is the Division of Gaming Enforcement?
Established in 1977, the Division of Gaming Enforcement stepped in as the group responsible for keeping an eye on the casino industry.
This watch extends to sports wagering as well as horse racetracks within the state of New Jersey.
They answer directly to the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety. Their primary purpose is to ensure players are not exploited by casinos that violate the relevant regulations of the Casino Control Act. (2)
Who is the director of DGE in 2022?
The current Director of the DGE is David L. Rebuck. He has held this position since 2011 after being elected by Governor Chris Christie on April 29th of the same year.
He has been a part of many undertakings, from casino surveillance operations to policies that enhanced casino security. (3)
How does the DGE work along with the Casino Gaming Industry in NJ?
The DGE plays a pivotal role in helping ensure that the casino industry remains one of safety, integrity, and security.
With so many ways for the industry to exploit users and vice versa, the DGE must constantly monitor the following aspects of the industry to keep it safe for users:
- How to keep the industry safe.
- How to regulate betting.
- How to regulate security within the industry.
- How to best analyze current events and implement temporary regulations when necessary.
- How to analyze current events and push for a change in relevant laws if necessary.
Licensing of Applicants
Casinos must all register with the DGE and receive a license to operate legally. Having this license means a casino has agreed to abide by any relevant laws governing its services. Should a casino not have a license, it’s a massive red flag.
It’s important to note that obtaining these licenses is not simple and requires rigorous investigation into your casino through the Casino Control Commission (CCC). Once the DGE can confidently say it is satisfied with your casino and its operation, you will receive the relevant license. (4) The current approved casinos with valid licensing in NJ can be found here.
Regulatory Enforcement
The Regulatory Enforcement and Regulatory Prosecutions Bureaus are responsible for enforcing the Casino Control Act's laws and regulations and any rules and regulations from the Casino Control Commission (CCC).
These laws and rules are responsible for accounting and internal controls to simulcasting, advertising, selling alcohol and much more.
Monitoring Casino Operations
The DGE also monitors day-to-day operations within casinos on a floor level to make sure the relevant casinos abide by the necessary laws.
Should anything be out of place, an immediate investigation will take place. Having the DGE so involved is beneficial to all players and casinos because it means close attention is always paid to both parties.
Technical Services Bureau
The TSB functions as an arm of the DGE that helps ensure all forms of electronic gaming equipment within casinos operate according to law.
This equipment also includes all slot machines within the State of New Jersey. Without this group, unchecked electronic machines could quickly flood the market and take advantage of players.
What type of information can I find on DGE’s website?
The DGE’s website contains all relevant information on how they help regulate casinos and the gambling industry within New Jersey. You can find the following threads on their website:
- Responsible Gaming
- Internet Gaming Information
- Sports Wagering
- Employee Licensing and Reports
- Vendor Licensing and Reports
- Casino Licensing
- Director’s Actions and Orders
- Financial and Statistical Information
- Various Forms
- The Casino Control Act
- Temporary Regulations
- Latest News and Updates
Employee and Vendor Licensing - Is the DGE in Charge?
The DGE handles all the relevant employee and vendor licensing for casinos in New Jersey. These include licenses for casinos, their employees, and any business that does business with casinos.
What is the DGE Self-Exclusion Program?
To summarize, the NJ Self-Exclusion Program is a way for you to prevent yourself from accessing any casinos or their gambling services. You can find more information about this on the link above.
Where Can I contact the New Jersey DGE?
You can find all the relevant ways to contact the DGE here. Keep in mind that contacting the DGE should strictly be for the following reasons:
- Inquiries or Complaints
- Employee Licensing
Takeaway on the Division of Gaming Enforcement
Now you’re up to speed on what you can expect from the DGE and how they regulate the casino industry in New Jersey to keep it safe for all players and staff.
We encourage you to stay up to date with their news if you enjoy gambling in New Jersey so that you don’t accidentally step on the wrong side of the law.
Resources & Sources
- New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement, Accessed 6 July 2022 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Jersey_Division_of_Gaming_Enforcement>
- Department of Law & Public Safety, Division of Gaming Enforcement, Internet Gaming Disputes and Inquiries, Accessed 6 July 2022 <https://www.nj.gov/oag/ge/inquiriespatroncomplaints.html#:~:text=Patrons%20can%20e%2Dmail%20a,(609)%20984%2D0909>
- Department of Law & Public Safety, Division of Gaming Enforcement, Director of the Division of Gaming Enforcement, Accessed 6 July 2022 <https://www.nj.gov/oag/ge/director.htm>
- About DGE, Accessed 6 July 2022 <https://www.njoag.gov/about/divisions-and-offices/division-of-gaming-enforcement-home/about-dge/>