JustGamblers Press Kit

Looking for logos to share JustGamblers with the world? Here, you’ll find everything you need, including best practices, requirements around the usage of our logotype, and do's and don'ts when spelling and referencing JustGamblers in written text.
Patrik Lidin
Writer: Principal Writer and Editor / Head of Content
Experience: Sports Trader, Market Maker, Product Owner Sportsbook, Professional Gambler, Poker Player
Reviewed by:   Expert review board

Brand Spelling

✅ JustGamblers

Just Gamblers, Justgamblers, JG, Ju5tG4mblers

Press Kit Resources

You can download out press kit from here:

Brand Colors

Brand and Logo Usage Guidelines

These logo usage guidelines were designed to provide support and resources to help you accurately use the JustGamblers logo.

As a general rule, do not manipulate the logo. This includes but is not restricted to substituting or changing the logo color or font, applying shadows, outlines, or surrounding boxes, and using the logo as a window for imagery. Use only approved artwork in communications.

Acceptable Colors

The primary color option for the logo is. The logo may also appear in black, gray, or white.


The green logo can be used on any background, but make sure to use proper contrast ratios to maintain legibility. You can validate contrast ratios using WebAIM’s contrast checker.

Clear Space

The JustGamblers logo must always be surrounded by a clear space to distinguish the logotype from the surrounding design elements. Leave clear space equal to the size of the “G” in the primary “JG”-logo. The clear space is measured from the top, right, left, and bottom of the logo. As a general rule, the more clear space, the better.

No other design elements, including typography and illustrations, should be positioned within this space.

Minimum Size

To maximize brand visibility and to preserve the integrity of our identity, reproductions below a recommended size are not permitted as they compromise readability.

Please do not size the mark down less than 70 pixels wide when using the JustGamblers logo online, or for any other digital media.

Do’s and Don’ts

What You Can DoWhat You Cannot Do
✅ JustGamblers❌ Just Gamblers, Justgamblers, JG, Ju5tG4mblers
✅ Use the JustGamblers logo to link to JustGamblers❌ Use JustGamblers artwork without permission
✅ Use JustGamblers when referencing our brand, people, services, or content in digital media and news❌ Change colors or add your own text
✅ To display JustGamblers as a trusted partner❌ JustGamblers logo should not be distorted
✅ JustGamblers logo loves clear space

Report Usage Violations

Be sure to report suspected misuse of JustGamblers' intellectual property to legal@justgamblers.com

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